Like every aspect of our life, freedom is shrouded in mystery. Sometimes we feel like we are free, sometimes much less. The history of man often tells of abuse and slavery, but also of a sometimes spasmodic, sometimes striking, sometimes profound search for freedom. Perhaps total freedom is not to be found in this world or it is found only at great depths within oneself.
More than giving answers, this book suggests many questions and reflections. It also dares to suggest hypotheses on what could be a way to seek greater and deeper freedom. Freedom in social, practical and daily life, but also and above all on the inner plane. It certainly does not intend to give recipes, nor to indicate roads, nor to “reveal secrets”. Freedom is and remains a mystery, like everything else. Whether we like it or not, we move into the unknown and in a sometimes unfathomable universe.
Freedom has a price that can sometimes be very high, but anything is possible. And even when we are crushed with our noses in the dust we can imagine and find ways out. There is the possibility for anyone to see things differently, in any situation they find themselves, however certain situations in life may put us with our backs to the wall. Indeed, perhaps these situations are the ones that allow us to bring out the best part of ourselves and, when the night is darker, begin to imagine that it is possible to radically change our life. A lot of things we have, want, believe or better still believe we believe or make us believe, are just ballast that prevent us from flying with the mind, heart and spirit. It is enough to start seeing things with “another glance” to realize that the paths to follow are truly endless.
“What is still wonderful in the world are not only beautiful landscapes and unspoiled nature, but temples of cosmic consciousness that will never completely abandon us. We just need to re-establish contact.”