The title of the volume “Entre chien et loup” derives from an ancient French expression that can be translated into Italian as “at nightfall” and embodies the meaning of the project: telling that particular moment of the day characterized by the transition from light to darkness. It is the time of twilight during which it is not possible to distinguish a dog from a wolf, as the French poet Jean-Antoine Baïf wrote in the 16th century.
The twilight described by Sophie-Anne Herin is that of the Envers, the Aosta Valley side occupied mainly by woods and characterized by the scarcity of daylight hours in the winter months. It is, as Olga Gambari writes in the critical text dedicated to the exhibition, “an inverse world outside of time where the artist immerses us, through a photographic work combined with an installation that takes the form of an initiatory journey”.
The images play on contrasts of light, each telling its own story through a free style. “I was born in a country that doesn’t have many hours of light in winter and the idea of dim light is something familiar – explains Sophie-Anne Herin –, a particular variation of brightness that directs my gaze.”
The beginning of the journey “Entre chien et loup” is with images that come out of the shadows, understood both as a moment in which one comes into contact with one’s personal and ancestral fears and as an opening onto another world.
From the twilight we then move on to the night, with images depicting the sky and the stars, until we reach the last chapter dedicated to dreams.