Additional information
author | |
Texts by | Tiziana Motta |
Publication date | 17-07-2019 |
Language | Italiano |
Pages | 144 |
Size | 21×21 cm |
Cover | Opaca, Rigida |
Format | Book |
ISBN book | 978-88-99743-94-9 |
€ 35,00
author | |
Texts by | Tiziana Motta |
Publication date | 17-07-2019 |
Language | Italiano |
Pages | 144 |
Size | 21×21 cm |
Cover | Opaca, Rigida |
Format | Book |
ISBN book | 978-88-99743-94-9 |
“During the AccaAtelier weekend, many things always happen. The studios open, people come in, go out, stop. You meet who you expect, who you don’t expect, someone asks you for things. In 2018, in one of the 50 studios, there was Cristian asking you for a photo.
‘What is it for? It’s a project, then I’ll get on with it.”
He presented it to me like this and with these indications I sat down on a chair and, with the hesitation that I always have when I’m in front of a camera, I had myself photographed.
Then it all ended, other things started and the catalog with the results of this prefect arrived.
The images won me over immediately for their topicality.
These are times in which everyone feels entitled to talk about everything, times in which we are all economists, immunologists, experts in infrastructure, in European policies. So, this idea of putting yourself above everyone, pretending that we fit together perfectly, is more relevant than ever. I like these images in how they show how no, we don’t fit everything, no, we don’t necessarily fit together perfectly.
The irony and intelligence of this work speak of us today: the image is alienating and misleading. Something doesn’t add up. And rightly so. Thanks Cristian for letting us know, we will try to keep it in mind”. (from the presentation by Tiziana Motta)
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