The monographic book includes the works of the artist Ada Mascolo from 1997 to today. A rich photographic apparatus illustrates the artist’s artistic universe made up of hints of anthropomorphic figures, evanescences of filiform and tapered bodies; details consisting of arms, legs, busts, trunks.
Ada Mascolo’s painting is made up of transparencies, glazes, superimpositions and stratifications. White backgrounds and ocher and reddish silhouettes or, vice versa, tessellated backgrounds of color and clear figures: the artist’s large canvases have the peculiarity of having soft and suffused colors, in favor of a resulting aesthetic in which delicacy and harmony are two constant digits. But also the characteristic lightness plays a preponderant role in his works, a lightness that transpires as an overall vision, which seems to cancel the force of gravity of the suspended bodies, floating in the void, in figures that, more than manifest, appear only suggested. These are creatures devoid of sex, faceless and timeless, suspended in a space that is more mental and imaginary than physical and real.
Ada Mascolo’s painting is figurative but goes far beyond the visible, it moves beyond what is appearance, feeding an iconographic reality as evidence of an inner universe rich in poetic, dreamlike and psychological ideas.