The well-known artist Tono Zancanaro (Padua 1906-1985) illustrated numerous literary works, to name a few the “Bertoldo and Bertoldino” by G.C.Croce, “The war of the salamanders” by K. Capek, “The Divine Comedy” by D. Alighieri , “Votive and sepulchral EPIGRAMS” From the 6th and 7th book of the Palatine Anthology, the “Novelle” by G. Verga, numerous volumes of literature poetry and more.
The “Satyricon” was the first work he illustrated, but until today the sheets have always been published and exhibited in numerous exhibitions individually and not as a corpus. Although many works have been lost, this volume collects the 209 sheets that remain today in the Tono Zancanaro Historical Archive in Padua, in addition to the two specially made lithographic folders.
The drawings are preceded by a brief description of the “Satyricon” and its author, and of the editions used by Tono for his work, and followed by the complete text of the fragments that have come down to us from 60 AD.