Presentation of two books about Theatre

New books by Fernando Mastropasqua

La strana pietà del signor Bertolt Brecht e altre malinconie teatrali” and “Teatro provincia dell’uomo” are the two books by Fernando Mastropasqua that we will present next week. The  first is a book that aims to look at the theater from a particular perspective: ignoring the chronological succession, taking into consideration those moments in which the theater has shown life in its ephemeral and senseless essence, with that ironic and thoughtful melancholy that had distinguished the creations of Ettore Petrolini in Variety. The attitude, shared by Brecht, an intense presence in Karl Valentin’s cabaret, originates in the severe and sorrowful gaze of Sophocles. This is why the essay on Brecht’s Pietà, on the harsh suffering of the silent scream of Mother Courage opens the itinerary. The second book is inspired, in its title and method, by the book by Elias Canetti, “La provincia dell’uomo”. The volume consists of two parts. In the first some fundamental moments in the history of the theater are taken into consideration, such as the Greek theater and the Elizabethan theater, and some innovative theories, from Craig to Stanislavkij, in which the actor’s research is aimed at giving a symbolic or realistic image , of human nature, in its truth and in its fragility. A fragment, taken from the Living Theater’s Antigone, illuminates the discourse. The second part is dedicated to the reconstruction of the text and of Carmelo Bene’s video-work, Hommelette for Hamlet, in which echoes of Shakespeare’s and Laforgue’s Hamlet are reflected, based on the vision of the Lacanian Man. The reconstruction is accompanied by a detailed commentary on all the situations in which the protagonist, a strange cemetery Hamlet surrounded by statues by Bernini who come to life and participate in the representation, finds himself involved.

Fernando Mastropasqua is the director of series Theatre for Prinp Publishing. Former professor of Theater History at the Universities of Pisa, Trento and Turin, has dealt with parties, ancient masks, carnivals, directing. His most recent publications are: “Komos, il riso di Dioniso: Maschera e Sapienza”, Rome, ETL, National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions, 1989; “Metamorfosi del teatro”, Naples, ESI, 1998; “In cammino verso Amleto (Craig and Shakespeare)”, Pisa, BFS, 2000; “Teatro Provincia dell’uomo”, Livorno, Frediani, 2004; “La scena rituale”, Rome, Carocci, 2007; collaborates with the magazine “Critica d’Arte”. With Prinp Editore he has published “Un teatro di pezzenti”, 2018, “Teatro provincia dell’uomo”, 2021 and two works together with Ferdinando Falossi: “L’incanto della maschera”, 2014 and “La poesia della maschera”, 2015.

Tuesday 4 April at 12.30 The Presence of Theater in our Dark Lives Presentation of the book “La strana pietà del signor Bertolt Brecht” in the Theater History lesson by Prof. Anna Monteverdi Aula K112 Dipartimento Beni Culturali e Ambientali, via Noto 8, Milano

Friday 7 April at 21.00 T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A After the theatrical performance of the Ivona company, there will be the presentation of the books “Teatro provincia dell’uomo” and “La strana pietà del signor Bertolt Brecht”. Fernando Mastropasqua in dialogue with Andrea Calvi, Jungian analyst, psychotherapist, teacher and essayist and Dario Salani, editor. OFFICINE CAOS, P.zza Montale 18/a, Turin It is possible to book at this link Officine Caos