“Scenografie coloniali. FIAT 633NM” @ Flashback Art Fair

Book launch:
Scenografie coloniali. FIAT 633NM di Eleonora Roaro
Prinp Editore, 2022

In addition to the artist Eleonora Roaro, will partecipate the editors of the book:
Roberto Mastroianni, philosopher, lecturer, President of Museo diffuso della Resistenza, della Deportazione, della Guerra, dei Diritti e della Libertà
Enrico Manera, philosopher, historian, lecturer and essayist
Chiara Miranda, exhibition manager of of Museo diffuso della Resistenza, della Deportazione, della Guerra, dei Diritti e della Libertà

“Scenografie coloniali. FIAT 633NM” is the book that documents the exhibition created by the Museo Diffuso della Resistenza, della Deportazione, della Guerra, dei Diritti e della Libertà of Turin, curated by Enrico Manera, Roberto Mastroianni, Chiara Miranda and stages a reflection on the historical experience of Italian colonialism in Italian East Africa (AOI), proposing a path that combines historiographical, anthropological, cultural and didactic in-depth study in relation to the audio-video installation by Eleonora Roaro, entitled FIAT 633NM.
The book is an exercise in decolonization of our gaze and imagination and of racist and colonialist propaganda through the problematization and deconstruction of the figure of the European colonizer, investigating the imaginary mechanisms of the construction of the colonial landscape and the imaginary invention of Africa made through the fascist propaganda of the time. The colonial gaze and imaginary are questioned starting from a work of art that interacts with a theoretical historical reconstruction, the result of the research work of the Museo Diffuso and of the partner institutions of the Polo del ‘900.

WHEN: Saturday November 5 2022 from 11.30 to 13.00

WHERE: Flashback Habitat Art Fair – Area Talk – Corso Giovanni Lanza 75, Torino

Book launch “Teatro provincia dell’uomo”

Teatro provincia dell’uomo si ispira, nel titolo e nel metodo, al libro di Elias Canetti, La provincia dell’uomo. Vengono dapprima presi in considerazione alcuni momenti fondamentali della sto- ria del teatro, come il teatro greco e il teatro elisabettiano, e alcune teorie innovative: da Craig a Stanislavkij al Living Theatre. La seconda parte è dedicata alla ricostruzione del testo e del- l’opera-video di Carmelo Bene, Hommelette for Hamlet, nella quale si riflettono echi dell’Amleto di Shakespeare e di quello di Laforgue.
La ricostruzione è accompagnata da un dettagliato commento di tutte le situazioni, in cui il protagonista, uno strano Amleto cimiteriale attorniato da statue del Bernini che prendono vita e partecipano alla rappresentazione, si trova coinvolto.

Oltre all’autore interverranno
Marco Gobetti, attore
Carla Pagliero, docente di storia dell’arte
Domenico Castaldo, direttore del LabPerm
Ginevra Giachetti, attrice del LabPerm
Dario Salani, editore

Evento parte di E/State in Svincoli
sostenuto dalla Fondazione per la Cultura di Torino
nell’ambito del bando Torino a Cielo Aperto

Evento parte del progetto “Contagi Generativi”
con il contributo del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
in collaborazione con Regione Piemonte

QUANDO: 24 giugno 2021
Ore 18.30
DOVE: San Pietro in Vincoli Zona Teatro,
Via San Pietro in Vincoli 28, Torino

PRINP @ U.S. Book Show

Live broadcast

May 23-26, 2022

Prinp Publishing invites you to visit our booth and take a look at the latest books and a selection of the best published titles.

Welcome to the U.S. Book Show on-demand experience. The show broadcasts live May 23-26, 2022.

The U.S. Book Show is a book fair to serve the bookselling and book publishing industry. Publishers Weekly set its sights on crafting a meeting place for publishing professionals and book buyers, with an emphasis on serving the interests of librarians and booksellers.

Meet the Author events, keynote speeches, Galleys-to-Grab promotions and professional development panels appeal to booksellers, librarians, publishers and literary agents.


Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino

from 19th to 23rd May 2022 Pavillion 2 – Stand K10

On the occasion of the XXXIV edition of the International Book Fair we are waiting for you at our stand with the latest news and a selection of the best publications titles.

– Friday 20 May at 11:00 Albertina Academy of Fine Arts – Hall of Honor. LECTIO MAGISTRALIS BY BIANCA TOSATTI Introduced by Edoardo Di Mauro and Roberto Mastroianni. The ability to get lost is something that man must keep with him, like a medicine is kept at home even if you are not sick. Presentation and analysis of some critical issues in reference to: Naive Art, Psychopathological Art. Art Brut. The ateliers. Irregular art.

– Sunday 22 May at 5.15 pm Silver Room – Pavilion 3 BIANCA TOSATTI “With hindsight. Nothing stands still. Nothing remains ours.” With Edoardo Di Mauro, Roberto Mastroianni, and Tea Taramino. Is there really an insurmountable border between Art Brut and contemporary art that occupies our galleries? On the occasion of her Lectio Magistralis at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts, Bianca Tosatti, Italy’s leading expert on Irregular Art, presents her book in which she reports some historical experiences, told as little novels of truth in which doubts and questions emerge. that call us into question.

– Monday 23 May at 1.30 pm CONFLUENCES. Art therapy in integrated care pathways for social withdrawal in adolescence With Antonella Anichini, MariaLuisa Camurati, Pia Massaglia, Elena Rainò and Benedetto Vitiello. The meeting is aimed at art therapists and operators engaged in prevention and treatment with adolescents: child neuropsychiatrists, psychologists, educators, teachers.

Salone Internazionale del Libro 2022 – Cuori Selvaggi – from 19th to 23rd May 2022 – Lingotto Fiere – Via Nizza 280 – 10126 Torino


Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino

from 14th to 18th October 2021 Pavillion 2 – Stand K10

On the occasion of the XXXIII edition of the Turin International Book Fair we are waiting for you at our stand with the latest news and a selection of the best published titles.

Salone Internazionale del Libro 2021 Lingotto Fiere – Via Nizza 280 – 10126 Torino