Enzo Obiso studied at the Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti in Turin where he deepened the techniques of fine art printing with Giorgio Avigdor. He began his career as a photographer in 1974, always placing Man at the center of his research, represented through the landscape, the city, objects and the body. He holds solo exhibitions in contemporary art galleries including, Galleria Toselli, Galleria Cardi, Galleria Cà di Frà, Rossi&Rossi Gallery, and for public institutions and foundations, GNAM National Gallery of Modern Art, GAM Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of Turin, GCM Galleria Civica of Modena, MAXXI National Museum of 20th Century Arts in Rome, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Italian Photography Foundation, DARC Directorate General for Architecture and Contemporary Arts, FNAC: Paris, Lyon, Madrid , Brussels and Bath Museum UK. He publishes his photographs in editorial projects, books and exhibition catalogues. He teaches at the European Institute of Design in Turin, for which he is the coordinator of the three-year photography course and of the CSP. Since January 2011 he has been the Director of PHOS multifunctional center for photography and visual arts. Lives and works in Turin.