Barbara Lanati is professor emeritus of Anglo-American language and literature at the University of Turin and has to her credit an intense critical work in the American field, which has been articulated in monographs, curatorships, dozens of translations and as many publications in newspapers and magazines . Among his publications we find: “L’avanguardia americana. Tre esperimenti, Faulkner, Stein, W.C. Williams” (Einaudi 1977), “Frammenti di un sogno: Hawthorne, Melville e il romanzo americano” (Feltrinelli 1987), “Pareti di cristallo” (Besa 2007), “Desiderio e lontananza. Un punto di vista contemporaneo sulla letteratura anglo-americana” (Donzelli 2010). For many years she devoted herself to the study and translation of the works of Emily Dickinson, whose “Lettere” (Einaudi 1982) she edited and two collections of poems: “Silenzi” (Feltrinelli 1986) and “Sillabe di seta” (Feltrinelli 2004). She is the author of the biography “L’alfabeto dell’Estasi: Vita di Emily Dickinson” (Feltrinelli 1998).
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Barbara Lanati is professor emeritus of Anglo-American language and literature at the University of Turin and has to her credit an intense critical work in the American field, which has been articulated in monographs, curatorships, dozens of translations and as many publications in newspapers and magazines . Among his publications we find: “L’avanguardia americana. Tre esperimenti, Faulkner, Stein, W.C. Williams” (Einaudi 1977), “Frammenti di un sogno: Hawthorne, Melville e il romanzo americano” (Feltrinelli 1987), “Pareti di cristallo” (Besa 2007), “Desiderio e lontananza. Un punto di vista contemporaneo sulla letteratura anglo-americana” (Donzelli 2010). For many years she devoted herself to the study and translation of the works of Emily Dickinson, whose “Lettere” (Einaudi 1982) she edited and two collections of poems: “Silenzi” (Feltrinelli 1986) and “Sillabe di seta” (Feltrinelli 2004). She is the author of the biography “L’alfabeto dell’Estasi: Vita di Emily Dickinson” (Feltrinelli 1998).
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