Pino Menzio, philosopher and essayist, has published two books of poetry: “Un piombo, un’anima” (2013) and “Mar abierto” (2021, Spanish edition with Italian text on the facing page). He edited the poetry collection “Gioie della vista” by Dámaso Alonso (2019; Spanish edition 2021). He has translated writings by Walter Benjamin and Friedrich Nietzsche; his translation of Aeschylus’ “Prometheus Bound” (Prometheus, suffering and participation, 1992) was performed by the Ecate Teatro company in TAU 07-Terra di Teatri Festival (2007). He has studied the metaphor of travel (“The Journey of the Philosophers”, 1994) and the ethics of artistic creation (“Orienting Oneself in the Metropolis. Walter Benjamin and the Task of the Artist”, 2002; “From Baudelaire to the Aesthetic Limit. Ethics and Literature in French Reflection”, 2008; “In the Giving of the Page. An Ethics of Literary Writing”, 2010). His latest monograph is “On Poetry as Love for the World” (2023). He is the secretary of CIRVI (Interuniversity Research Center on Travel in Italy) and curator of the website «Etica e letteratura» (Ethics and Literature).
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Pino Menzio, philosopher and essayist, has published two books of poetry: “Un piombo, un’anima” (2013) and “Mar abierto” (2021, Spanish edition with Italian text on the facing page). He edited the poetry collection “Gioie della vista” by Dámaso Alonso (2019; Spanish edition 2021). He has translated writings by Walter Benjamin and Friedrich Nietzsche; his translation of Aeschylus’ “Prometheus Bound” (Prometheus, suffering and participation, 1992) was performed by the Ecate Teatro company in TAU 07-Terra di Teatri Festival (2007). He has studied the metaphor of travel (“The Journey of the Philosophers”, 1994) and the ethics of artistic creation (“Orienting Oneself in the Metropolis. Walter Benjamin and the Task of the Artist”, 2002; “From Baudelaire to the Aesthetic Limit. Ethics and Literature in French Reflection”, 2008; “In the Giving of the Page. An Ethics of Literary Writing”, 2010). His latest monograph is “On Poetry as Love for the World” (2023). He is the secretary of CIRVI (Interuniversity Research Center on Travel in Italy) and curator of the website «Etica e letteratura» (Ethics and Literature).
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